Getting into goats was rather impulsive on our part. I’d joined this Yahoo Groups e-mail list called Barnyard — believe it or not — to talk about chickens. Just a few days later, an email came through entitled “Friday Market” advertising a Black and Tan Nubian doeling that would be a “great family milker”.
Meet U-Say Ranch Brooklyn, our first doe, but second in command
DOB: 5/3/2002 DOD: 4/8/2006
February, 2003. We went over and took a look at her, having already impulsively decided we’d like to have a goat for milk as we are interested in being self-sufficient. She looked like a real sweetheart, and we decided we wanted her. We paid for her, and made arrangements to pick her up several days later once we’d built a shelter and yard for her.
We built a little shelter for her, and we had enough of a wire fence to build her a small corral. We went over and picked up our new goat, 9 month old Brooke. Well… being so naive, we didn’t know that goats — especially ones raised in a rather large herd — do not do well living all alone. Brooke had a very difficult 24 hours. She bleated constantly, and would only eat and drink when we were with her. She was very people oriented, having been bottle fed for CAE prevention, but she missed being with other goats terribly. It was either move in with Brooke, have her move into the house with us (kidding!) or get another goat. We chose the latter.
Brooklyn is registered with ADGA as a recorded grade as we do not know her lineage.
Meet U-Say Ranch Dallas, our second doe and herd queen
DOB: 3/10/2002
The next day we went back and came home with 10 month old Dallas, who happens to be Brooke’s aunt. Oh, and we changed Brooke’s name to Brooklyn, so both girls would have city names. Dallas was supposedly 3 months pregnant. About 1 week later, she showed signs that she had possibly miscarried. About one week after that, she showed signs of being in heat! We were kind of disappointed, but kind of relieved, as we weren’t sure we were ready to have kids, and take on the whole milking process. So we went along our merry way, and decided to get Dallas bred three weeks later when she again showed signs of being in heat. We took her over to meet with Jacobs Pride Peanut again, two days in a row. We got over our disappointment, and began to look forward to kids in August.
Well… on March 31st, I was raking up goat berries and as usual, the two girls were standing right there next to me where I was trying to clean. I leaned over and patted Dallas’ right side, and rubbed on her a bit… and suddenly I realized I felt a kid in there!!!!!!!!! OH! All of a sudden we were on high alert day and night! Dallas had originally been exposed to the buck on four occasions, so we had four due dates to look forward to, which were April 4, 8, 18 and 19. Gestation is 150 days, varying from 145 to 155. So technically we were already on alert for the first due date, and could continue stressing until the 24th of April. Luckily she had mercy on us and kidded on April 8th. She had one buckling, and one doeling. We kept her doeling kid, and named her Lightning.
Dallas is registered with ADGA as a recorded grade as we were unable to secure documentation of her lineage. We do know Dallas’ littermate, AZ Apache Valley So Hot Ashes, is registered with ADGA.
Dallas’ dam The-Apache-Vales Thelma is a recorded grade and her sire is AZ Apache Valley Joseph.
U-Say Ranch Lightning Bolt
DOB: 4/8/2003
Lightning is Dallas’ doeling kid, which makes her Brooklyn’s cousin. Lightning is a black and white spotted doeling with a wonderful lineage on her sire’s side. Her sire is Jacobs Pride Peanut. Peanut’s sire is *B Six-M-Galaxy Milanis Pistachio, and his dam is Six-M-Galaxy Aisha 5*M. In October 2004 at the Arizona State Fair I had the honor of meeting Debbie Emholtz the owner of the wonderful Jacob’s Pride herd. What a neat lady!
Lightning is registered with ADGA as 50% American, 50% recorded grade.
Pepper, our first buck
DOB: Unknown
Pepper is an unregistered Nigerian Dwarf. He has waddles and brilliant blue eyes. We keep Pepper as a buddy for Bambi, our Nubian herd sire. We occasionally breed Pepper to our young does to freshen them for the first time.
N.AZ. Anatolians Keci’s Bambi, our second buck
DOB: 2/23/2003
Bambi is a gorgeous spotted registered American Nubian who has a great milking background which includes Crown Hill, Carousel, and Sunny Hill. His dam is Az High Country Spotty, a registered American doe, and his sire is Ragels Ziegenhof Keci registered Purebred and unfortunately deceased. As a 5 year old (2004), his dam Spotty (I believe she has been freshened 3 times) gives a gallon each morning and evening.
U-Say Ranch Zoë
DOB: 3/17/2005
Zoë is one of Lightning’s 2005 doeling kids, littermate to Moselle. Zoë is rust colored, like her sire and granddam, with a perpetual milk beard on her chin. Zoë’s sire is N.AZ. Anatolians Keci’s Bambi.
Zoë will be registered with ADGA as 75% American, 25% recorded grade.
U-Say Ranch Moselle
DOB: 3/17/2005
Moselle is one of Lightning’s 2005 doeling kids, littermate to Zoë. Moselle is a gorgeous rust, black and white doe. Lightning throws the white belt Moselle sports across her middle. Moselle’s sire is N.AZ. Anatolians Keci’s Bambi.
Moselle will be registered with ADGA as 75% American, 25% recorded grade.
Mighty Oak Farm Northern Dancer
DOB: 2/7/2005
January 30, 2006. We have a new milker! Thank you, Danni of Mighty Oak Farm Nubians in Tucson, Arizona!